Monday, June 6, 2011

CIA dope Calypso (the power players that held the dope as they held the trenches) wk. 6

In week 6’s reading Allen Ginsberg’s poem “CIA Dope Calypso” is a historical narrative that flows like a song due to its style of rhythmical rhyme and descriptive narrative. Ginsberg is citing the dubious activities of the CIA, poking at the way they raised money. He is listing the events and everybody involved in a sing-song style that can only be described as ‘acceptingly playful’. As this characteristic is the realization of art.

The humoristic sing-song style simultaneously belies the negative connotations of the CIA’s activities as it seeks to accept them. He’s saying so it happened, so that was the Vietnam War but isn’t the CIA’s “funny (funding) business” funny. Ginsberg’s narrative runs like a history book, only it’s more interesting to read because of its tongue in cheek verse. Ginsberg lists the power players which he explicitly mentions he is doing “All them Princes in a power play/But Phoumi was the man for the CIA.”  These players are
Mao Tse-tung(leader of communist China) , Chiang Kai Shek's (leader of the democratic republic)- “China was won by Mao Tse-tung/Chiang Kai Shek's army ran away” , Meo Tribes “First they stole from the Meo Tribes/Up in the hills they started taking bribes” , The Man (CIA)- “Collecting opium to send to The Man” Mr. Phao- “The policeman's name was Mr. Phao/He peddled dope grand scale and how”, Touby Lyfong- “Communists came and chased the French away/So Touby took a job with the CIA”, Phoumi Nosavan- “I'll tell you no lie I'm a true American/Our big pusher there was Phoumi Nosavan”, “General Vang Pao- And his best friend General Vang Pao/Ran the Meo army like a sacred cow” Marshall Ky, Theodore Roosevelt(Thieu) All through the “Sixties the dope flew free/Thru Tan Son Nhut Saigon to Marshall Ky/Air America followed through/Transporting comfiture for President Thieu and Colby “Subsidizing the traffickers to drive the Reds away/Till Colby was the head of the CIA.” Who exactly all these players where the poem doesn’t specify but it does mention them, illustrate the complexity of their illicit ventures and the dirty money that was involved saying Kei Shek’s army gave bribes to the Meo tribes and Theodore (thieu) took comfiture(candy) as a bribe to look the other way. The poems intriguing facetious style accepts the CIA’S position as something understood.  It ends with the new chief Colby putting a halt to trafficking. This poem’s simplistic style reminds me of my early rhyme schemes yet stands out with its great wit. It’s a beautiful piece of: narrative, history, poetic wit and playful verse. It will be remembered.

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